Salt Lake Comic Con Schedule
Next week I'm going to be at Salt Lake Comic Con. I'll wander the Dealer's Room, hang out and sign/sell books at the Schlock Mercenary table, and do a handful of fun panels with some very cool and talented authors. Really looking forward to it.
You'll be able to find me at the Schlock Mercenary table (booth #1600) Thursday 4-5 PM, Friday 11 AM to 1 PM and 3-4 PM and Saturday 11 AM to 1 PM. I might be there at others times as well and if I'm not they'll have signed copies of both my books.
My panel and official signings schedule is:
- Thursday, 5 PM: Signing at the Shadow Mountain Booth #111
- Friday, 1 PM: The Monster or the Man, Who Makes the Best Villain? RM 255F
- Friday, 2 PM: Is Epic Fantasy Still Relevant to the Genre? RM 255B
- Friday, 6 PM: Signing at the Shadow Mountain Booth #111
- Saturday, 4 PM: Religion in Science Fiction and Fantasy. RM 255E
- Saturday, 5 PM: Building a Move-in Ready World. RM 255B
- Saturday, 6PM: The Business Side of Your Dreams. RM 255B