My very first UK signing!
I've just been given the information about my very first UK signing and thought I'd pass it on over to you guys! It'll be at the Hatchet Inn Bristol (hosted by Books on the Hill) from 12-2PM on Saturday, May 19th. It'll start with a panel including three other authors -- Joanne Hall, Peter Newman, and Lucy Hounsom -- after which we'll sign books and hang out and chat. You can respond to the facebook event here.
As mentioned, this is my first event in the UK (as well as my first time ever in the UK) and I couldn't be more excited! I'm hoping locals can make it over to say hi and get your signed copies of Wrath of Empire!
For those of you who can't make it, I will be at MCM London Comic Con the following weekend. My schedule hasn't been announced yet, but I'll post it here as soon as I find out.